As ever, Juliet and Simon dance between delivering easy-to-follow eco tips and high-level expert advice. Tackling the most serious of sustainability topics with gusto and good cheer, they don’t just bring listeners the problems — they showcase the solutions in the climate crisis conversation, and present here simple hacks to save money by being greener — at home and in business. The two guests this episode making businesses more sustainable and cost-efficient, and the key to adapting financial systems to do more good.

“So I think it's great to think about all these little hacks that we can do, but it's also important to think of the biggest levers that can be bold when trying to work out systems change.” Juliet introducing Zita Cobb.

We’d love to hear from you! Any sustainability tips to share?

A snapshot of our guests

Zita Cobb, social entrepreneur and founder of the Fogo Island Inn in Canada

Fogo Island Inn is modelling how local communities can thrive in the global economy. Check out her Economic Nutrition Certification Mark which sets the benchmark for financial transparency. “You never change things by fighting the existing reality,” said architect and futurist Buckminster Fuller almost a century ago. “To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.” This visionary hotelier and community economist doesn’t just preach this sentiment, she is modelling a new community-supporting place-making way of running a business.

Julie Cheetham is renowned in the tourism sector for her expertise in sustainable development and business transformation

Based in South Africa, she’s leading a team democratising this wisdom as Weeva. We also have this 360-degree sustainability management platform to thank for making this podcast series possible. Weeva's technology enables a system of measurement and a user-friendly framework following 18 parameters, covering everything from carbon emissions, water and waste to staff satisfaction and cultural conservation.

High-level thinking made digestible and do-able — as ever, this episode of Funny Old World provides a better understanding of the basics, and how to help tackle the climate emergency.

Talk to us on Twitter or Instagram #FunnyOldWorld @JulietKinsman @WeAreWeeva