In a world addicted to disposability, this episode sorts through our ’stuffocation’ pandemic and sees Juliet and Simon opening the Pandora’s box to the mind-bogglingly complicated world of recycling: how we might all do better when it comes to waste? For this conversation, our dynamic duo geek out on garbage and revel in better understanding all the ‘Rs’ of refuse, chewing over how best to reduce, reuse and recycle when it comes to tackling our trash more efficiently.

“I might just be one person in one voice, but if we could organise as a community, if we could get hundreds of thousands of people, even millions, to get involved with specific issues, and to promote legislation that reduce the amount of single use plastics and other items that are wasteful, then we could not just enact changes in our own personal lives, but we could enact changes across the entire country.” Dyson Chee

A snapshot of our guests

Dyson Chee is a youth activist living on the Hawaiian Island of Oʻahu.

In 2018, Dyson founded Project O.C.E.A.N. Hawaii to take on single-use plastics, and since 2019 he has been serving as a director for the Hawaiʻi Youth Climate Coalition, a youth-led, community advocacy organisation dedicated to fighting for climate justice. A student at the University of Hawaiʻi, majoring in Interdisciplinary Studies with a focus in Communicology, Economics, and Political Science, Dyson started his journey with Ocean Heroes Bootcamp and remembers aged 14, swimming in the water with all those plastic wrappers, thinking 'If I’m seeing this in my lifespan — how much worse is it going to get?’ Fast forward to now.

Antony Buchan is from ReLondon

The team is on a mission is to revolutionise our relationship with stuff and make London a global leader in sustainable ways to live, work and prosper, helping the city waste less and reuse, repair, share and recycle more. They provide advisory support to local authorities and stakeholders on how to decrease waste, while increasing recycling. Expect a circular conversation, that will keep you in the loop.

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