Unpacking the terms and language in the sustainability conversation. With special guests Mitzi Jonelle Tan and George Monbiot.

“Sustainability, I actually don't even like that word, so much sustainability. What does it mean to you? … As I said earlier, this is a safe space so you can Laugh all you want but when I hear the word sustainability or sustainable, I tend to think of tuna. Because I think on the side of tuna tins, it says sustainably fished doors. So it's a sustainable way of fishing for tuna, which I assume means that they throw the small ones back and say that there will always be tuna in the sea.” Simon exploring the meaning of the word sustainability with Juliet.

Special guests

George Monbiot — author, Guardian columnist and environmental activist.

His research interests include environmental issues and the global food system. His best-selling books include Feral: Rewilding the land, sea and human life, Heat: how to stop the planet burning, and Out of the Wreckage: a new politics for an age of crisis. George cowrote the concept album Breaking the Spell of Loneliness with musician Ewan McLennan, and has made a number of viral videos. One of them, adapted from his 2013 TED Talk, How Wolves Change Rivers, has been viewed on YouTube over 40m times. Another, on Natural Climate Solutions, that he co-presented with Greta Thunberg, has been watched over 60m times. George was awarded the Orwell Prize for Journalism in 2022, and his latest book, Regenesis: Feeding the World without Devouring the Planet, was published in May 2022.

Mitzi Jonelle Tan — climate justice activist based in Metro Manila, Philippines.

She is the convenor and international spokesperson of Youth Advocates for Climate Action Philippines (YACAP), the Fridays For Future (FFF) of the Philippines. She is also an organizer with FFF International and FFF MAPA (Most Affected Peoples and Areas) making sure that voices from the Global South especially are heard, amplified, and given space. She is committed to changing the system and building a world that prioritizes people and planet, not profit, through collective action.

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